XR Designer

3D Works


Work for project Live! Korea (2016)

Responsible for modeling and texturing
Assets created based on photo references

Korean Cultural Photobooth - 3D model by Agatha (@agathapark) [88f8a87]


Work for Robinson Hall Atlas (2018)

Responsible for modeling and texturing
Background wall created from reference photograph
The balcony is a placeholder created with photogrammetry (Autodesk Recap)

Cancelleria Palace Wall - 3D model by Agatha (@agathapark) [6b79885]


3D Assets for the BioDigital Human (2015-2016)

Responsibilities noted in reel
Assets created based on illustration/photo/surgical footage references

3D Demo Reel, 2015

Modeling, Animation, Particle FX, Compositing
Responsibilities noted in reel