Update Work
Completed Deliverables List
Optimized and implemented 2016 east trench models and textures in the Unity project
capped model size and texture size to ~1MB each
Updated Unity scripts and react-native scripts to reflect changes (enabling slider interaction for east trenches)
Edited Unity build settings to enable 64-bit architecture
Generated updated android and iOS UnityExport folders
Updated react native from v0.57.4 to v0.59.1 to allow build apks/bundles with 64-bit arch
Created new android bundle release and submitted an internal test release (average download size 86MB)
Migrated final Unity project from 2018.2.2f1 to 2018.4.14f1(most recent LTS version)
Created process documentations : (1)Trench Update Guide (2)Unity Build Settings & Version Migration (3)Scripts to Update for Debug/Build