XR Designer

Hyper Helmet

Hyper Helmet


Wearable Sculpture

Project | The Hyper Helmet is a assemble-able paper helmet that is composed of a tentacle-ish periscope and a bazooka-esque speaker accompanied with a voice amplifier speaker and a microphone. Once you put on the helmet, you can see from a higher viewpoint and speak with amplified voice. Even your whispers can be heard publicly. The Hyper Helmet addresses the power dynamics in current society, where being taller and louder are characteristics of leadership and authority. 

Role | Artist (Solo Project)

Tools | Fusion 360, Laser Cutting


“I created this helmet to appear tall and intimidating, which is unlikely to happen in the current society given my height, age, gender and ethnicity.”

Presentation at Harvard Graduate School of Design, Nov 2018 Photo by Youngjin Song

Presentation at Harvard Graduate School of Design, Nov 2018
Photo by Youngjin Song

fabrication process

design sketches