XR Designer

Mixed Media


Mixed Media

Web Application, 2017

Web App Coding - Python, HTML, Jinja, CSS, Heroku

Final project for Harvard CS50 x MIT MediaLab Depolarization by Design

Mixed Media is a tool for simultaneous side by side conservative and liberal media news search.
It is especially effective in comparing breaking news reports from right and left media outlets.
It is a tool for raising awareness about everyday media bias.

Inspiration for the project came from an assignment from MIT MediaLab's Depolarization by Design class. For this assignment, I had to search the same keywords on several news outlets from different political spectrum. Through this search, I easily witnessed political bias, or factual divide in breaking news reports. In order to make the same experience more simple, I created this web application so that users can easily search for the same keywords to return news articles from right and left media simultaneously, side by side.