Virtual Curation
Assignment Design, 2019
Work for Harvard Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning
3D asset optimization / Unity 3D project setup / tutorial writing
I converted 3D assets and setup a Unity 3D project for professor Der Manuelian’s Egyptian Archaeology course. The objective was to introduce students with no prior experience with 3D modeling or game design to start using Unity 3D to showcase historical artifacts and objects that they encountered in the course.
Unity 3D Demo Scene
I created a demo scene to show students how Unity 3D can be used for curation. Through this demo scene, I introduced concepts such as gameobjects, materials and scripts.
Demo Scene Walk-through
Asset Inventory Scene
I created an inventory scene showing all the free assets gathered from Unity Store that is included in the project file. Students were able to incorporate these assets into their own curation.
Unity 3D Project Window
Complete Folder Organization
This list shows how the project window (assets list) was organized in my Unity Project that was distributed to the students. The Prefabs>Egyptian folder contained prefabs of 3D models I downloaded from the Harvard Semitic Museum’s SketchFab page and optimized.
Tutorial Documents
I created tutorial documents to support students outside of meeting times.
They can be accessed through the following link.